
Cait took over the farm with the goal of working through grief. Through her work here, she’s connected with many others who are also struggling with loss. As the farm has evolved, it has become clear this is a place many people seek out when they’re grieving or simply need somewhere to go to feel peace.
Cait and her family are establishing a non-profit to capture their goal to help heal and support the community in the following ways:

– Grief Support
– Employing people with disabilities
– Keeping the grounds free to the public so that all people of all socioeconomic backgrounds may experience the farm’s magic
– Preserving historic farmland and saving it from overdevelopment
– Planting pollinator vegetation to support the butterfly population – a symbol meaningful to Cait and many others in the grieving community
– Partnering with local businesses, schools and non-profits like Sussex Consortium to teach vocational skills to students and Camp Rehoboth to partner on products where a portion of proceeds go back to the non-profit
– Connecting with and supporting families with disabled children and siblings through support groups and dedicated farm days/events for these groups
– Supporting mothers and families through pregnancy loss and the grief that follows

If the farm can support or help heal you in some way, please reach out to us.